Chiron in Aries ~ 12 April 2018

Next week Chiron enters Aries.

Chiron’s a peculiar creature and stirred quite a controversy - astrologically and astronomically - upon his discovery in 1977. He was considered a maverick, an astronomical trailblazer and upon receiving his name, astrologically his mythology wove its way into the hearts of most, but certainly not all astrologers. To this day, many astrologers do not employ Chiron. Or the other named centaurs... or the named bodies in the Kuiper Belt... or the recently discovered interstellar traveler Oumuamua, who like Chiron is the first of a class of important objects.

Anyway, due to his eccentricity, Chiron in his 50.45 year orbit (according to the latest data), does not spend equal time in all signs. Come Tuesday (the 17th) he conducts his Aries ingress. Late in September he retrogrades back into Pisces, for a short stint that lasts until Feb 18, 2019. Then he’s back into Aries for a number of years.

Chiron’s perihelion, the closest point of approach to the Sun in his orbit is in Libra, meaning that his most-distant point from the Sun, aphelion, is in Aries. A planet moves most slowly in the sign of its perihelion and as such, Chiron now is nearly at his slowest orbital motion. Come next February, upon his return in Aries Chiron remains in the domain of Ram-dom until April 2027.

While in Aries, Chiron forms several exact alignments with orbital elements of other planets. Chiron moves to:

Conjunct perihelion of Haumea - 24 Dec 2018

Conjunct aphelion of Eris - 7 Sep 2020

Conjunct south node of Chiron -12 Feb 2021

Conjunct perihelion of Jupiter - 11 Feb 2023

Conjunct perihelion of Makemake - 12 Apr 2023

Conjunct aphelion of Chiron - 8 Jan 2027, at his slowest possible motion.

He will also square the nodes of Jupiter, Vesta, Pluto and Saturn; and square the perihelia of Saturn, Eris and Earth.

More immediately Chiron squares the perihelion of Saturn (26 Jan 2019) and Sedna (May 2020).

Very notably above is Chiron’s alignment with Jupiter’s perihelion primarily because Jupiter relieved Chiron’s pain. Since this happens in 2023, there will be several Chiron in Aries posts and that will be covered in significant detail in SkyScrapings to come.

A very striking feature of the Chiron in Aries transit is the alignment he makes with the other eccentric (by orbit) social outcast, Eris. It would seem that an enormous undercurrent of the wounded healer’s work while in Aries stands as relieving any personal sense of rejection because of physical appearance, or perception of disenfranchisement due to social status, character traits, station in life, or destiny - chosen or otherwise.

Chiron asks everyone to ponder in what areas of life do you feel that you might come up short or not be enough, under qualified or not worthy. Then Chiron seeks remedies that will shore up any perceived sense of inadequacy.

With Chiron in Pisces the quest has been to feel whatever must be felt in whatever manner without consideration of norms, standards and proper protocols. While sometimes reactions occur based upon assumptions and potentially inaccurate or incomplete information, still the feeling is felt and because of that, is valid.

Chiron in Aries inches us away from emotional reactions and turns our focus to seeking more self affirmation, self restoration, personal regeneration, confidence building, soul enhancement and clarity in the objective that the quest of life must be done for the self and only the self. True, Chiron in Aries may come off a bit selfish at times, however, his node and closest contact with the Sun are in Libra.

Basically, Chiron says that if work is done to strengthen ones ego, enhance ones confidence and enrich ones soul, that then that person will be better equipped to relate with anyone in their life or crossing their path. It goes back to the repetitive, but entirely valid, pre-flight safety briefing that airline’s give. In the event of a pressurization issue, put on your own oxygen mask first. It’s true... unconscious people, symbolically or in physical reality, are not able to offer anything to anyone else.

What can you do to propitiate Chiron in Aries? State sentences that begin with “I am...” without reservation, apology or embarrassment. Chant mantras to yourself of your greatest attributes while gazing in the mirror and locking in on your eyes. Recognize that the urge to give to others and offer support and understanding, might just be a statement of your personal needs. Aspire in what every way you can to support your confidence. Take some time to document every skill you’ve acquired, ever talent you possess, and every accolade achieved.

Next week when Chiron ventures into Aries, he will be accompanied by:

The Sun - Be you. It’s the best thing you can do.

Mercury - Think it, savor it, believe it, say it... especially when it’s about you.

Eris - Your personal fit is waiting to be claimed. Abandon standards and tailor your soul to you life, or vice versa.

Uranus - Being unique, eccentric and individualistic is cool. Ensure your revolution is constructive, for the good of all (mostly you) and enhancing to the planet.

An era of self-proclamation is about to begin. Whether healing issues of this life time, previous incarnations or those lives yet to come regardless of planet of incarnation or dimension, this is a time of self discovery and revelation. Make sure you show up for the ribbon cutting.

More soon!